Pandemic Response Team of Chief Justices Provide Guidance to Reopening Courts

An association of state Chief Justices and court administrators known as the Pandemic Rapid Response Team (RRT), created to address the process of managing the justice system through the Coronavirus pandemic, is creating guidance for state and local courts for operating within – and reopening after – the current wave of the crisis.

From the National Center for State Courts (NCSC):

The plan will be developed by a series of working groups that will determine what courts have learned, how to resume court operations as the curve flattens, and what they can do beyond to build a stronger judiciary.

The working groups—composed of court leaders from all levels of courts—will be tasked with identifying what the new normal is going to look like and how to get there.

  • Four working groups will be formed to study court management issues in the areas of: civil; criminal; children, families, and elders; and appellate.
  • A technology working group will focus on ways that online dispute resolution, videoconferencing, electronic filing, and other tools that have allowed courts to conduct business during the pandemic can be used more in the future.
  • A communications working group will provide guidance on how best to communicate with lawmakers, the executive branch, and the public.”

For more information on how state and local courts are being advised during the Coronavirus Pandemic, visit the NCSC’s website HERE.

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